
Õpime numbreid ja arvutamist!

Numbrikaardil on number ja illustreeriv pilt, millel on vastav arv linde, loomi või liblikaid.

Tehtekaartidel on erineva raskusastmega liitmis- ja lahutamistehted. Paaris ja paaritud numbrid ning liitmis- ja lahutamisteheted on eri värvi. Lapsed saavad tehte vastuseks otsida sobiva numbrikaardi ja kontrollida vastuse õigsust kaardi teiselt küljelt.

Eelkooliealistele lastele ja algklassiõpilastele sobiv abivahend numbrite ja arvutamise õppimiseks.

Karbis on 24 kaarti, millest 12 on numbrikaardid ja 12 on tehtekaardid.


Learn Numbers and Practise Counting!

You will find 12 flashcards to help you learn numbers. Each card has a number and an illustrated picture with a matching number of birds, animals or butterflies.

There are 12 task cards with an addition or subtraction equation, varying in difficulty. The task cards have different colours for odd and even numbers and addition or subtraction equations. Children will find the correct answer by choosing the card with the accurate number and/or by checking the answer on the back of the task card.

The cards are a helpful study aid in learning numbers and counting in pre-school and primary school.

There are 24 cards in the box.